Discharge Medicines Review (DMR)

A Discharge Medication Review is a FREE service, funded by NHS Wales, that allows you to have a private consultation with our pharmacist about your medicines and how they have changed since you were discharged from hospital.

Pontprennau Pharmacy can help ensure that you get the most out of your medication. We’ll keep checking to make sure that you are well conversant on how to manage your medicine correctly. We’ll also provide you with the support and advice needed.

How to get a DMR

We only need two things to start your DMR service – your consent to provide the service, and your medicine discharge sheet.

If anyone in a hospital ever gives you a discharge sheet to “take to your doctor”, please drop by the pharmacy first so we can photocopy it before handing it to your GP.

Or, before you go into hospital, always ask them to copy any discharge information to our pharmacy as well as your GP. The hospital will email or fax a copy to us as soon as you are discharged, and we will then check it against any subsequent prescriptions your GP prints.

If you register with us for the service now,  any time you are admitted to hospital, they will email the list of new medicines to us automatically without you having to ask. We have consent forms for you at the pharmacy for this purpose. Your carer can also give your consent on your behalf.

Please call into the pharmacy and ask if you can register for the DMR service.

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